
    The rising national debt threatens economic growth and opportunities for future generations. Learn more — and get involved.

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    Illustration of people wearing masks during the coronavirus pandemic

    Understanding the Coronavirus Crisis

    Key fiscal and economic indicators, research, and analysis as our nation responds and recovers.

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    Income Inequality Has Been on the Rise Since the 1980s

    New CBO data illustrate how income inequality has grown over time.

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    Rx prescription drugs

    一加8系列正式发布 售价3999元起_中国江苏网 - jschina.com.cn:2021-4-17 · 一加早在 2021 年便开始投入 5G 产品研发,目前一加已在全球范围实现了对低频 Sub 6、中频 Sub 6 伍及高频毫米波三大主流 5G 频段的支持,是目前国产手机中唯一一个做到的三大频段全支持的品牌,刘作虎称一加实现了“ 5G大满贯”。 图:一加 8 Pro 图:一加 8

    The growing cost of prescription drugs presents a challenge to the quality and affordability of healthcare.

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    Girl on map

    States Face Pandemic Budget Crunch

    Governors warn that without federal intervention, vital services could be drastically reduced to meet balanced budget requirements.

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    We believe that by working together, we can create comprehensive, bipartisan solutions to address our fiscal challenges. We work to bring Americans together to find and implement sensible, long-term fiscal solutions for a strong, healthy economy that transcend age, party lines, and ideological divides in order to achieve real results.

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    What We’re Doing

    We are a non-partisan organization dedicated to increasing awareness and accelerating action on America’s long-term fiscal challenges. We partner with like-minded organizations and experts to support innovative programs and projects that provide accurate, objective analysis, and promising fiscal solutions.

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    What You Can Do

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    News & Viewpoints on Fiscal & Economic Policy

    一加8系列正式发布 售价3999元起_中国江苏网 - jschina.com.cn:2021-4-17 · 一加早在 2021 年便开始投入 5G 产品研发,目前一加已在全球范围实现了对低频 Sub 6、中频 Sub 6 伍及高频毫米波三大主流 5G 频段的支持,是目前国产手机中唯一一个做到的三大频段全支持的品牌,刘作虎称一加实现了“ 5G大满贯”。 图:一加 8 Pro 图:一加 8

    Social distancing signs
    Real GDP Falls a Record-Breaking 32.9% in Second Quarter
    Jul 30, 2023 Read More
    The Coronavirus Pandemic Continues to Cause Record Claims for Unemployment Insurance
    The Coronavirus Pandemic Continues to Cause Record Claims for Unemployment Insurance
    sub免费网络加速器官网 Read More
    Public Housing New York City
    How Does the Federal Government Support Housing for Low-Income Households?
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    Jul 29, 2023 Read More

    Fiscal News from around the Nation

    SOURCE: The Hill

    House Approves $1.3 Trillion Spending Package for 2021
    Jul 31, 2023 Read More

    SOURCE: AP News

    Trump, GOP Soften on Opposition to $600 Jobless Benefit
    Jul 31, 2023 Read More

    SOURCE: The Hill

    Coronavirus Recession Hits Social Security, Medicare, Highway Funding
    Jul 31, 2023 Read More


    Millions to Lose $600 Weekly Jobless Aid Amid Senate Stalemate
    Jul 30, 2023 Read More

    Peterson Foundation in the News

    SOURCE: The New York Times

    Monthly U.S. Budget Deficit Soared to Record $864 Billion in June
    Jul 13, 2023 Read More

    SOURCE: U.S. News & World Report

    Reports: Battered by COVID-19, States Face Cuts to Key Services
    Jul 7, 2023 Read More

    SOURCE: The New York Times

    With Jobless Benefits Set to Lapse, Congress Is at Odds Over an Extension
    Jun 11, 2023 Read More


    Covid-19 Pandemic Hits Black Voters' Incomes Hardest, FT Poll Shows
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